Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Final Fantasy Run

As people may or may not be aware, I'm doing a massive replay of the Final Fantasy games. By this, I'm defining as:

Final Fantasy IV - X, Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy Tactics, Chrono Trigger (it's that good).

Notable exceptions: Final Fantasy I-III (just a different style of game, and III wasn't released for the PS), Chrono Cross because it never happened.

Maybes: Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2.

After I finish each game, I'll be writing up an entry with my thoughts on it. What I liked, what I didn't like, how it compares with my impression from memory, where I think it'll rank in the overall hierarchy when I'm finished.

Since I just finished FFIV, a postmortem for that will follow shortly.

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